4 Points of Proper Posture
The Back Transformer effortlessly helps you achieve the 4 Points of Proper Posture by lifting and holding your body in optimum spinal alignment. It does all the hard work for you but unlike a brace the system assists you in creating your own posture strength so you have more power to hold your body up all the time.

Targeted Exercise Therapy for Treatment and Prevention
Our team of therapeutic specialists have created a simple but effective exercise therapy routine to ensure rapid and long term results.
Each exercise assists in the increase of circulation, flexibility and range of motion of neck, shoulders, back and abdominals and spine.
By following the routine several times a day while wearing your Back Transformer you are mitigating the deterioration of your posture and building strong posture.
By following the instructed program as directed your will see rapid and compounded results ensuring posture strength for life.

Relief From Back Pain with Pivot Point Design
100% of back pain is aggravated by poor posture. Back Transformer works on solving the root of the problem. It supports and conditions using the proven methods of training with elastic resistance.
The Back Transformer scientifically improves your center of gravity by using a patented support cushion design that triggers a spinal righting reflex.
1. Posture Pivot Point supports the mid-back vertebrae adjusting them into the correct alignment, rebalancing the head on top of the shoulders.
2. Shoulder Abductor Points holds the shoulders back and down in a relaxed position.
3. Chest Expansion Points gently guides the chest open in a comfortable expanded position.

Acupressure Massage Cushion
The Acupressure Massage Cushion acts like a scaffolding pushing your mid back vertebrae into correct alignment causing your whole spine to even out.

See and Feel Results
Elastic resistance has a variety of beneficial properties that assist in creating strong muscles and flexible joints. Within minutes a strong posture pose is proven to increase the hormone testosterone helping you feel more powerful and lowers cortisol resulting in less stress helping you feel more focus.
Built to Last a Lifetime of Posture Strength
Made of the highest quality parts to provide consistent performance daily for years of support and strength. Any part can be replaced or upgraded.